Funkce 'timedelta()' Pythonu je přítomna v knihovně datetime, která se obvykle používá k výpočtu rozdílů v daných datech. Můžeme ji také použít k manipulaci s daty v Pythonu a tato funkce uživatelům velmi usnadňuje manipulaci s daty.
Datetime.timedelta(days = 0, seconds = 0, microseconds = 0, milliseconds = 0, minutes = 0, hours = 0, weeks = 0) Return: Date
Pro lepší pochopení si ukážeme, jak používat funkci 'datetime.timedelta()' na následujícím příkladu:
liška nebo vlk
Příklad 1:
V tomto příkladu vytiskneme budoucí data tří let a tří dnů:
from datetime import datetime as D_T, timedelta as T_D # Using current time initializing_time_for_now = # To print initial date print ('Initial Date: ', str(initializing_time_for_now)) # For Calculating the future dates of three years Future_Date_After_THREE_yrs = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 1095) # For Calculating the future dates of three days Future_Date_After_THREE_days = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 2) # Now, we will print the calculated future dates print('Future Date after Three years: ', str(Future_Date_After_THREE_yrs)) print('Future Date after Three days: ', str(Future_Date_After_THREE_days))
binární strom vs bst
Initial Date: 2021-10-14 00:09:43.611036 Future Date after Two years: 2023-10-15 00:09:43.611036 Future Date after Two days: 2021-10-17 00:09:43.611036
Příklad 2:
V tomto příkladu uvidíme, jak můžeme vytisknout minulá data dvou let a dvou hodin:
from datetime import datetime as D_T, timedelta as T_D # Using current time initializing_time_for_now = # To print initial date print ('Initial Date:', str(initializing_time_for_now)) # For Calculating the past dates of two year Past_Date_Before_TWO_yrs = initializing_time_for_now - timedelta(days = 730) # For Calculating the past dates of two hours Past_Date_Before_TWO_hours = initializing_time_for_now - timedelta(hours = 2) # Now, we will print the calculated Past Dates print('Past date before two years: ', str(Past_Date_Before_TWO_yrs)) print('Past date before two hours: ', str(Past_Date_Before_TWO_hours))
Initial Date: 2021-10-14 00:19:18.449629 Past date before two years: 2019-10-15 00:19:18.449629 Past date before two hours: 2021-10-13 22:19:18.449629
Příklad 3:
V tomto příkladu vypočítáme rozdíl mezi dvěma různými daty:
zarovnání obrázku v css
from datetime import datetime as D_T, timedelta as T_D # Using current time initializing_time_for_now = # To print initial date print ('Initial Date:', str(initializing_time_for_now)) # Some another datetime New_time = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 7, hours = 6, milliseconds = 55, seconds = 12) New_time_1 = initializing_time_for_now + T_D(days = 12, hours = 64, milliseconds = 215, seconds = 90) # We will print the new time print ('New calculated time: ', str(New_time)) # Now, we will print the time difference between the two Dates: print('Time difference between the given dates is:', str(New_time - initializing_time_for_now)) print('Time difference between the initial Date and New_time_1 is:', str(New_time_1 - initializing_time_for_now))
Initial Date: 2021-10-14 00:31:13.920503 New calculated time: 2021-10-21 06:31:25.975503 Time difference between the given dates is: 7 days, 6:00:12.055000 Time difference between the initial Date and New_time_1 is: 14 days, 16:01:30.215000
V tomto tutoriálu jsme se dozvěděli o funkci 'datetime.timedelta()' knihovny datetime v Pythonu. Probrali jsme také různé příklady pro lepší pochopení konceptu manipulace s daty a výpočtu rozdílu mezi dvěma daty.